When to Purchase Home Insurance After Buying a New Home

For new and seasoned homeowners in St. Augustine, FL, our team of insurance professionals at Tim Huber Insurance is excited to help protect your property. It can be tricky to tell when the best time is to buy home insurance for your property. After all, if you purchase it before you’ve closed on a home, it may feel too early. Buying it after years of homeownership leaves your home at risk. When you want to strike the perfect balance between these two extremes, our suggestions below can help.

What Is Home Insurance?

Home insurance, also known as “homeowner’s insurance,” protects your primary dwelling as a homeowner from liability, qualifying damage, and more. It’s useful to have for any homeowner. In some cases, it may also be legally necessary to hold it.

When to Purchase Homeowner’s Insurance for New Homeowners

Before you buy homeowner’s insurance, you’ll want to research policies and connect with our office to discuss how we can support you in protecting a prospective home. It’s never too early to research home insurance policies and options. In fact, we encourage those interested in purchasing a home to start looking at policies and building a relationship with us as soon as they know that’s a goal they want to achieve.

Once you’ve researched home insurance policies, you’ll want to know when your mortgage lender and other relevant parties require you to have home insurance. Since some lenders will refuse to approve a loan without proof of insurance, it’s best to get on this task sooner rather than later. Of course, it’s better to purchase home insurance late than never.

To learn how to protect your home, call us at Tim Huber Insurance in St. Augustine, FL! 

Does a Renovation Impact Homeowners Insurance? Tim Huber Insurance

Transforming your residence into your unique sanctuary is an exciting endeavor. Selecting paint colors, fixtures, and other design elements for your home renovation project is certainly exhilarating. However, amidst the thrill, it’s easy to overlook one critical aspect—homeowners insurance. With Tim Huber Insurance service, based in St. Augustine, FL, understanding and addressing the changes in your homeowners insurance after your renovation becomes straightforward.

How Renovation Impacts Homeowners Insurance

Did you know your home renovation can significantly affect your homeowner’s insurance coverage and premiums? The primary consideration is that a renovation escalates the value of your home, leading to increased replacement costs in the event of damage or loss. Consequently, it’s crucial to inform your insurance provider about any renovations, ensuring your policy mirrors the upgraded worth of your home.

Types of Renovations and Insurance Impact

Certain types of renovations, such as a new swimming pool installation or electrical system upgrades, can alter your insurance rates. These could increase the potential risk linked to your property, leading to adjusted insurance premiums. Noteworthy, specific renovations might qualify you for discounts or special endorsements on your policy, something to discuss with your insurance agent during and after the renovation.

Tim Huber Insurance: Your Insurance Partner in Saint Augustine

Thinking of a home renovation? Tim Huber Insurance is here to help you navigate through homeowners insurance changes. Our dedicated team in Saint Augustine takes pride in ensuring our clients have adequate insurance coverage for their renovated homes. Schedule an appointment with a Tim Huber Insurance agent today.

Five Important Questions to Ask About Home Insurance

Protecting your investment with a comprehensive home insurance policy is crucial as a homeowner. However, knowing which policy is right for you can be challenging with so many options available. That’s why Tim Huber Insurance in St. Augustine, FL recommends asking these five essential questions before purchasing home insurance:

1. What does the policy cover?

When considering a home insurance policy, it’s essential to understand what is covered and what isn’t. A comprehensive policy should cover damage from events such as fire, theft, and natural disasters. However, it’s also essential to know what is excluded, like floods or earthquakes, and if you need additional coverage.

2. What is the deductible?

The deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Choosing a deductible that you can comfortably afford if you need to make a claim is critical. A higher deductible will typically result in a lower monthly premium, but you must be prepared to pay more upfront if an incident occurs.

3. What is the replacement cost?

When purchasing home insurance, you must ensure that the policy covers the full replacement cost of your home and belongings. This means that in the event of a total loss, you’ll receive enough funds to rebuild your property and replace your possessions. Be sure to ask about coverage limits and any exclusions.

4. What does liability coverage mean?

Liability coverage is a critical part of a comprehensive home insurance policy. It protects if someone is injured on your property or if you accidentally cause damage to someone else’s property. Ask about the limits of liability coverage the policy offers and whether you need to purchase additional coverage.

5. What is the claims process?

Knowing what the claims process entails is vital in the unfortunate event of a claim. Ask your insurance agent about the steps you need to take to file a claim and how long it typically takes to receive compensation.

Trust in Our Team

At Tim Huber Insurance in St. Augustine, FL, we understand that choosing the right home insurance policy can be overwhelming. That’s why our team of experts is here to help you navigate the process and find the coverage that meets your needs. So contact us today to learn more!

Common Risks Not Covered by Typical Home Insurance

Your home insurance from Tim Huber Insurance covers your dwelling, belongings, and protects you against liabilities. Unfortunately, your home insurance doesn’t cover you against everything. As such, you need to know about your home insurance exclusions to save you heartache and money down the line.


While floods are one of the most common natural disasters in America, the bad news is that your typical home insurance doesn’t cover flood damage. However, the good thing is that you can purchase a stand-alone flood insurance policy from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or private carriers to cover your home against floods.


Your home insurance doesn’t typically cover earthquakes and other earth movements. However, you can purchase an endorsement to protect your home against earth movements.

Maintenance issues

If your home is infested by mold and pests, home insurance doesn’t cover any ensuing damage. Similarly, if you file a claim to get compensation for normal wear and tear, your claim is likely to be voided by your insurer.

Also, if food put in your refrigerator spoil due to power loss, you won’t be compensated for the loss.

Valuable properties

Your standard home insurance provides limited protection for your high-value items like jewelry, fur, and guns. For instance, most home insurance policies cover jewelry theft up to a maximum of $1,000. Suppose you have jewelry with a value of $8,000. With $1,000 coverage, you will have a significant amount of uncovered loss.

Government actions

Your insurer isn’t responsible for your government’s actions. For instance, if the government confiscates your assets or seizes the land where your home is located, home insurance won’t come to your rescue.

Learn more about home insurance in St. Augustine, FL 

Need more information about the ins and outs of your home insurance policy? Please get in touch with Tim Huber Insurance.

Dos and Dont’s when Filing a Home Insurance Claim

Dos and Don’ts when Filing a Home Insurance Claim

One of the policies on your expense sheet that you pay but hope you never have to use is a home insurance policy. That’s why many St. Augustine, FL homeowners do not know how to file a home insurance claim. Unfortunately, terrible things happen, and you may need to call your insurance company to file a claim. If you have recently bought home insurance or had damages to your property, here are a few dos and don’ts’ we thought you should know.

Do: Contact Your Insurance Company

Your first step towards filing a successful insurance claim is contacting your insurance provider. If there was criminal activity involved, call the police first and get a police report. Your insurance company will request it when compensating you for damages.

Don’t: Touch Anything If a Crime Was Committed

If there was a criminal activity like murder, consider your home a crime scene and don’t touch anything until the police allow you. Remember, you will also be questioned regarding the crime, so leave everything as it is until the investigations are done.

Do: Document Everything

Tim Huber Insurance recommends taking as many videos as possible. There is nothing like over documenting when it comes to your home insurance claim. Your smartphone can be a reliable tool for taking pictures and videos to be used during the compensation. It’s even better if you can capture the origin of the loss and the resulting damage.

Don’t: Throw Away Receipts

Receipts will always be helpful in any insurance claim. You will need them to prove that you owned specific items that were stolen, and you will also need receipts as evidence of your incurred costs when your home becomes unlivable.

Don’t forget to study your St. Augustine, FL home insurance policy before filing your claim to avoid attracting extra premium charges.  For more information about filing home insurance claims, contact Tim Huber Insurance today!

Who needs home insurance in Florida?

The St. Augustine, FL area continues to be a great place to work and live. If you would like to move here, it would be a good idea to own your property. Those that are property owners in this area of Florida will benefit in many ways but also have responsibilities. One need that most property owners have here is the need to get proper insurance. There are several situations when this coverage is needed.

When Financing Home with Mortgage

A lot of people choose to take advantage of low-interest rates and to buy their homes with a mortgage. If you want to buy a home and take out a mortgage, you will need to get proper coverage. Any mortgage lender will have specific insurance requirements that need to be met and they may require escrow payments to ensure there is not a coverage lapse. 

Home Association Rules

You may also need to get a home insurance plan if you live in a home association. There are a lot of individuals that will live in a home association community. If this is the case for you, it is important to follow all of the rules. Most associations will have insurance requirements that need to be met. 

Buying a home is a great housing option for those all over the St. Augustine, FL area. If you are going to buy a home in this area, getting the right insurance for it is extremely important. One company that will be able to help you assess your insurance needs and pick a plan is Tim Huber Insurance. When you do call Tim Huber Insurance for your insurance needs you understand more about how the coverage can mitigate risk for you. The team can also assist you and create a plan that properly protects your asset. 

What Kind Of Home Insurance Do I Need?

At Tim Huber Insurance in St. Augustine, FL, we don’t just offer insurance policies to our clients, we also make them understand every detail. Home insurance is one of the most confusing types of insurance and that is because there are so many factors to consider when choosing your home insurance coverage.

One of the most frequently asked insurance questions is what kind of home insurance do I need? The best and the most honest answer to the question is “it depends on a lot of factors”. In fact, you and your next-door neighbor living in the same kind of apartment do not have to purchase the same home insurance policy.

So, we can only guide you. The best person to decide the most suitable kind of home insurance policy for you and your family is you. However, we will point you in the right direction by telling you the important things to consider.

Understand what is covered in every policy and what is not covered. For instance, when you are living in a condo, you don’t have to choose a policy that covers a garden and patio when you don’t have one. The additional coverage will raise the cost of your insurance. So, why should you pay for what you are not enjoying?

It is also necessary to ask for the special limits in every policy and know the items that are limited. You should also ask for the list of perils covered by every home insurance policy. It is a common practice for insurance companies to list out what a certain policy covers and they will also list out what the policy doesn’t cover. There’ll always be certain perils that are not mentioned on both sides. Take the time to find out where these perils belong (are they covered or not?).

For more information about home insurance, you can schedule an appointment with us at Tim Huber Insurance in St. Augustine, FL. We will be glad to inform you and help you make a great home insurance choice. 

Preparing Your Home for a Hurricane

When a hurricane is approaching in St. Augustine, FL, there are some things you want to do to prepare your home.

Stormguard the Home: Take steps to fortify the home against downpours and nasty winds. Clean out cutters and make a plan to move outdoor furniture. Depending on how much time you have to prepare, you may also want to strap down the roof, make window covers or storm shutters, caulk around windows and doors, and test drains and sump pumps.

Safety-Proof Landscaping: Plants and landscaping can be vulnerable during a hurricane. Trim trees and shrubs to reduce the chances of windblown limbs. Tie down small trees and shrubs to prevent them from uprooting. When it’s time to replace gravel drives or paths, consider replacing them with bark since windblown gravel can damage the structure.

Review Insurance Coverage: If a hurricane is already coming your way, it can be too late to change insurance coverage so just review the coverage you have. Home insurance policies can vary so if you have questions, speak with an agent at Tim Huber Insurance. Once a storm has passed, be sure to start preparing for the next one and have the right coverage. Remember that home insurance won’t cover any flooding and you may need to purchase a separate wind policy.

Inventory Your Home: Document the contents of the home both inside and out. The best way to do this is with photos and videos. If you do have to make an insurance claim after a storm then you want evidence to support the claim. Another option would be to create an inventory of possessions that also includes the appraised value for expensive items. Store this along with other important documents somewhere safe from the storm.

Contact Tim Huber Insurance serving St. Augustine, FL to get a quote on home insurance. 

5 Reasons To Double Check Your Home Insurance Annually

When you have home insurance in St. Augustine, FL, it’s critical that you check the policy annually. It will ensure that you have sufficient protection to avoid problems when you file an insurance claim.

At Tim Huber Insurance, we’re here to make sure that you have the right protection in place.

Home additions and renovations need to be updated on your home insurance. If you have made some purchases throughout the year, these need to be included so that your policy coverage levels are updated.

Your desire to have more riders on the account may have changed. For example, you may now need a rider to increase liability, especially if you have done a lot of entertaining inside your home. You may also need a home office rider if you have started working from home.

Discounts may be available to your policy. What you may not have qualified for last year could be different this year. It’s important to review any discounts that you may be eligible for.

Prices change between the different insurance companies, too. It’s a good idea to get quotes from several home insurance companies so that you can make sure that you are getting the most affordable premiums possible.

Policy fine print can change, too. You may think that you are covered in an area but you’re actually not. Home insurance companies will often renew your policy without identifying any changes made to your policy. It is up to you to manually pull a copy of the policy to read it for yourself.

When your home insurance policy is getting ready to renew, be sure that you take the time to double check everything. Contact us at Tim Huber Insurance so that we can be sure that your policy looks good. We may be able to help you get a better policy in St. Augustine, FL.


3 Home Improvements that Could Reduce Home Insurance Costs

Major home improvements can affect the coverage and cost of your homeowner’s insurance. Some improvements will raise your premium while others can help reduce home insurance costs. Before undertaking a remodeling project, talk to a Tim Huber Insurance agent to see how your renovations will affect your home insurance policy. Here are a few projects that could help reduce insurance costs.

New Roof

Putting a new roof on your St. Augustine, FL home will not only give you extra protection against the elements but could qualify you for a discount on your homeowner’s insurance. If you have an older home, upgrading your roof will reduce the risk of damage to your structure and the interior of your home. For optimum protection, make sure your contractor uses top grade materials that will withstand the area’s hot, humid climate and the threat of hurricane winds and rains.

Plumbing and Electrical System Upgrades

Upgrading your plumbing or electrical system could make you eligible for discounts on your insurance premium. Upgrading your plumbing system reduces the risk of water damage due to old, corroded pipes. In like manner, a new electrical system could protect your home from fire due to faulty wiring. If your home is experiencing plumbing or electrical problems, an upgrade may be in order. In addition to fixing plumbing or electrical issues, upgrading these systems could qualify you for reduced rates on your home insurance costs.

New Security System

As a homeowner, the security of your home and family should be one of your greatest priorities. A new security system will offer greater protection against break-ins, vandalism, and theft. Improved security will make your home a safer place to live and help you save money on your insurance coverage.  

For more information on how to obtain quality homeowner’s insurance at affordable costs, contact Tim Huber Insurance in St. Augustine, FL.