In St. Augustine, FL, homeowners can protect their homes and personal property against financial loss with a home policy from Tim Huber Insurance. While many people purchase a standard policy, the insurance industry offers numerous options, such as endorsements, allowing a policyholder to add coverage. Some of these endorsements address specific perils, while others protect specific items.
Perils Endorsements
Most Florida homeowners know that they must add wind coverage, also known as hurricane coverage, to their policy when buying a home. This information is typically part of the home sales process, just like the requirement for home insurance that comes with a federally backed mortgage in the U.S.
Insurance companies in the state offer other perils endorsements. Subsidence coverage protects the homeowner from financial loss due to sinkhole damage. An earthquake endorsement protects against losses from that natural hazard. There’s even a mold endorsement covering mold abatement and repairs after mold damage.
Scheduling Property
Besides endorsements, policyholders can schedule items on their home policy. Scheduling expensive personal property like jet skis and engagement rings insures them at their full value. Other commonly endorsed or scheduled items include golf carts, home computers, and jewels and furs. Equipment breakdown coverage covers major home equipment, such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems, boilers, and whole-home generators.
Update Your Home Policy Today
Let Tim Huber Insurance help you customize your home coverage with the endorsements and scheduled property items you need to protect your St. Augustine, FL, home and belongings. Call or email us today for a policy review.