Finding the right insurance policy can be difficult. There are hundreds of types of insurance an aside from your typical auto and home policies, most people have no real idea about what other types of insurance are out there. The helpful independent insurance agents with Tim Huber Insurance Agency in the St. Augustine, FL area can help you determine what type of policy and what level of coverage you need.
What Types of Insurance Are There?
For nearly every single thing you can think of, there is a type of insurance for it. Classic car, RV, boat, ATV, auto, home, condo, renters, flood, hurricane for people in states like Florida, life and more. These are just a few of the policy types that exist. Each and every policy is created with a special purpose in mind and knowing a little bit about what types of policies are out there may help you determine what type of coverage you need and what policies you may have been missing out on.
Why Do I Need An Agent?
Insurance agents can do so much for you. For starters, agents are taught all the newest insurance laws, policy types, policy changes, and savings that you are not even aware of. Though you may know the basics, having an experienced agent on your side can make a huge deal of difference when it comes to how successful you are when it comes time to make a claim. Your agents can also walk you through processes like claims, changing coverage, adding coverage, and so much more.
Why Do I Need Insurance?
Aside from needing insurance to stay legal with things like auto and home insurance, we never know what life is going to throw at us. Not many people have thousands of dollars lying around to replace a home or car or even pay medical bills should the need arise, insurance is our safety net.
For those in Florida or in the St. Augustine, FL area, contact the Tim Huber Insurance Agency to answer all of your questions.